To create a website that reflects the excellence and trust this highly regarded risk and assurance management consultancy delivers to its stakeholders.
CopywriterUX/UI DesignerFull Stack DeveloperProject ManagerTechnical Director
A well-planned content strategy, information architecture, and a clear understanding of JVAT’s user and stakeholder needs were used to build a valuable user experience that aligns with their business objectives.
To use human-centred design to inspire confidence and trust. And convey leadership and innovation through the online user experience with clean and modern mobile-first design.

We created a slightly different architecture from a standard WordPress website, providing nice page transitions and interaction with the more modern feeling of a web app. To achieve this, we used a static site generator (Gatsby) with a headless CMS (Contentful) acting purely as CMS while another component generates a static version (pre-rendered) of the website hosted on a cost-effective AWS S3 bucket. This creates an extremely fast website that’s inexpensive to host with the additional benefit that it obscures the website backend, as there’s no way to know it’s running under a CMS.